
Understanding the Consequences of Speeding & Civil Traffic Tickets in Florida

Speeding and civil traffic tickets are an unfortunate fact of life in Florida. While no one likes to get a ticket, it is important to understand the consequences of speeding and civil traffic violations. 

In Florida, there are three basic types of traffic violations that can lead to speeding or civil traffic tickets: infractions, misdemeanors, and felonies. Infractions are typically the least severe and include minor violations such as parking in a no-parking zone or failing to use a turn signal. Misdemeanors are more serious violations, such as reckless driving or speeding in a school zone. Felonies are the most serious of all and include driving under the influence (DUI) and fleeing or eluding police. 

The consequences of traffic violations vary depending on the type and severity of the violation. Infractions typically carry a fine and points on your driving record; however, these points do not usually result in suspension or revocation of your driver’s license. Misdemeanors, on the other hand, can include jail time, higher fines, and suspension or revocation of your driver’s license. Felonies can result in even harsher penalties, including jail time, hefty fines, and a permanent criminal record. 

It is important to understand that even if you receive a civil traffic ticket, it does not mean that you are guilty. Many people choose to contest the ticket in court, but this can be a lengthy process and may result in higher fines and more points on your driving record. It is important to carefully consider your options before deciding to contest a ticket. 

If you have received a speeding or civil traffic ticket in Florida, it is important to understand the consequences of the violation and to make sure that your rights are fully protected. An experienced Miami traffic attorney can help you navigate the legal system and ensure that you receive the best possible outcome.

If you have a traffic ticket you would like to fight, such as a speeding ticket, contact a Miami traffic attorney. If you have reason to believe you unfairly received a red light ticket, contact a red light camera violation attorney.

The Devastating Long-Term Consequences of a DUI in Florida

A DUI in Florida can have devastating long-term consequences. Not only is a conviction a serious offense that can carry jail time and hefty fines, but it can also lead to a criminal record that can follow you for the rest of your life. If you find yourself facing a DUI charge in Florida, it’s important to consult with a Miami traffic attorney right away, as the consequences of a conviction can be severe.

In Florida, a DUI conviction may result in a criminal record and can remain on your record for up to 75 years. If a potential employer runs a background check, they may be able to view this information. This may make it difficult to obtain a job or even housing in the future.

A DUI conviction can also result in hefty fines. Depending on the severity of the offense, fines can range from a few hundred dollars up to thousands of dollars. Additionally, you may be required to attend alcohol education classes or serve time in jail. This can add up to a large financial burden and make it difficult to get back on your feet in the future.

Your car insurance rates may also be affected by a DUI conviction. Many insurance companies have a policy in place that will increase your rates for a certain period of time. This can be financially crippling and may make it difficult to pay for your car insurance in the future.

Finally, you may face the consequences of having your license suspended or revoked. This means you won’t be able to legally drive until your license is reinstated. Depending on the severity of the offense, your license may be suspended for several months or even years.

The long-term consequences of a DUI in Florida are serious and can be devastating. If you find yourself facing a DUI charge, it’s important to consult with a Miami traffic attorney right away. An experienced attorney can help you understand the potential consequences of a conviction and will work to fight for your rights. Don’t let a DUI charge ruin your future—get the legal help you need.

Visit Hochman & Goldin, P.A. online for additional information about a Miami traffic attorney or red light camera violation attorney.

How to Prepare to Contest a Florida Traffic Ticket

Despite the fact that a police officer’s ultimate duty is to bring those who break the law to justice, this is an impossible task to accomplish perfectly. As such, you can challenge the ticket in court if you think the officer’s decision doesn’t fairly reflect the facts.

If you decide to pursue this option, know that the outcome will depend on your story versus the officer’s recollection of events.

If you want to stand a chance in court against a police officer, you should do more research and preparation than the average citizen. This necessitates that you:

  • Assemble any images you have of the accident scene.

  • Assemble the eyewitness accounts you obtained from witnesses who were present and may have witnessed what occurred.

  • Surveillance video from establishments that might have captured the incident.

Simply put, your chances of success increase with the amount of evidence you have to back up your claim. It can seem difficult to contest a Florida traffic ticket, but it doesn’t have to be. By hiring a Miami traffic ticket lawyer, you can receive guidance on what to anticipate in court and how to present the strongest defense if you wish to contest the ticket.

If you wish to contest a traffic violation, such as a speeding ticket, or if you believe you received an unfair red light camera ticket, contact a red light camera violation attorney at Hochman & Goldin, P.A. 

What You Need to Know About Florida Speeding Tickets

If you’ve been issued a speeding ticket in Florida, you’re probably wondering what to do next. Florida’s traffic laws are strict, and the penalties for speeding tickets can be significant. To ensure that you’re up-to-date on the latest laws and regulations concerning speeding tickets, it’s important to consult with a Miami traffic ticket lawyer.

When it comes to speeding tickets, Florida operates on a points system. This means that each time you’re issued a speeding ticket, points are added to your license. The points for a given ticket will depend on the speed you were going and the amount of time you’ve been driving without a ticket. Depending on the circumstances of your ticket, your points may be lowered or dismissed altogether. In some cases, you may be able to reduce the points on your license through a defensive driving course or other similar program.

If you have too many points on your license, you may be subject to suspension or revocation of your license. You may also face fines, jail time, and other penalties. Additionally, if you accumulate too many points in a given period, your insurance premiums may go up.

If you’ve been issued a speeding ticket, it’s important to speak with a Miami traffic ticket lawyer right away. A lawyer can help you understand your rights and defend you in court. Additionally, a lawyer can help you explore options for reducing your points or having your ticket dismissed.

When it comes to Florida speeding tickets, knowledge is power. Make sure you’re up-to-date on the latest laws and regulations and consult with a Miami traffic ticket lawyer if you’ve been issued a ticket. By doing so, you can help ensure that your rights are protected and minimize the impact of your ticket.

If you wish to contest a traffic violation, such as a speeding ticket, or if you believe you received an unfair red light camera ticket, contact a red light camera violation attorney at Hochman & Goldin, P.A.

Caught by a Red Light Camera? Here’s How to Fight Back

Have you recently been issued a ticket after being photographed committing a traffic infraction courtesy of red light cameras? If so, you may feel like the odds are stacked against you, especially if the evidence against you appears irrefutable. Fortunately, with the help of a red light camera violation attorney, you have the chance to contest your ticket and lessen any possible penalties. Here are the steps you must take to challenge your red light violation and perhaps avoid paying related fines.

Gather Evidence

First and foremost, start gathering evidence to support your case. This may include, but is not necessarily limited to, a printout of the red light camera snapshot and related documentation. Make sure to keep detailed records, which include police officer’s testimony and witness statements. Also review the accuracy of the violation, for instance if you ran a red light because of emergencies like avoiding oncoming traffic or if the camera was recently installed or malfunctioning. Additionally, seek out evidence that supports your side such as photos or video surveillance of the accident that will provide concrete proof for the court.

Consult With an Expert

Talking to a strategic litigator with expertise in jurisdictional laws and knowledge of red light camera systems will help bolster your plea in court. Furthermore, weighing out the options of continuing your or a lawyer representing your arguments in court will prove invaluable for your case. Having a professional on your side in court, such as a red light camera violation attorney, will help make sure that you have the best possible outcome from proceedings.

Attend Hearings

Depending on the infraction and severity, you may need to attend an in-person court hearing to present a defense to the judge. Make sure to arrive with your attorney and all your available evidence prepared to challenge the argument against you.

Your Presentation

Historical court rulings and case laws will be helpful during the sentencing process. It should be straightforward to present your case in court by demonstrating the inapplicability of the existing law according to recent rulings. You may also point out that Human Error Contributed to the inappropriate reaction toward the red light camera. In these cases, more lenient penalties may be allotted.

Appealing Your Sentence

If necessary, appealing the sentencing is possible through a written statement. By citing reasons why you disagree with the decision, writing an appeal can be sent directly to the judge or agency responsible for issuing the citation. File the appeal soon after being issued a ticket, as you may be unable to appeal after missing deadlines that are stipulated by each municipality. 

Following these steps if you receive a red light camera violation can save you significant stress and hassle in the long run. Working with an experienced attorney will greatly improve your chances of receiving a favorable outcome. To best accomplish success in court it is imperative that you prepare your evidence and case in detail,stress the importance of human error, and remain persistent in your appeals.

At Hochman & Goldin, P.A., our experienced Miami traffic attorneys have extensive knowledge and experience in defending clients who have been issued traffic tickets, especially red light camera violation tickets. Contact us today to schedule a no-obligation consultation and learn how Hochman & Goldin, P.A. can help you fight your traffic ticket.

How a Miami Traffic Ticket Lawyer Can Help You Beat Your Ticket

If you recently received a traffic ticket in Miami, you may be feeling overwhelmed and uncertain of what to do next. After all, traffic tickets can have serious consequences, including fines, points on your license, and even the potential for jail time. Fortunately, a Miami traffic ticket lawyer can help. Here’s what a lawyer can do for you.

First, a Miami traffic ticket lawyer can review the facts of your case. Your lawyer can investigate the circumstances surrounding the ticket, such as whether the officer had probable cause to issue it. If not, your lawyer may be able to get the ticket dismissed.

Second, a Miami traffic ticket lawyer can negotiate with the prosecutor. If the evidence against you is strong, your lawyer may be able to negotiate a lesser charge that carries fewer penalties.

Third, a Miami traffic ticket lawyer can represent you in court. If you decide to contest the ticket, your lawyer can present evidence and make arguments that may help you beat the ticket.

Finally, a Miami traffic ticket lawyer can help you understand your rights and the law. Your lawyer can explain the various laws and regulations that apply to your case and help you make informed decisions.

If you’ve received a traffic ticket in Miami, don’t hesitate to reach out to a qualified traffic ticket lawyer. With the right attorney on your side, you may be able to beat your ticket and avoid the consequences.

If you have a traffic ticket you would like to fight, such as a speeding ticket, contact a Miami traffic ticket lawyer. If you have reason to believe you unfairly received a red light ticket, contact a Red Light Camera Violation Attorney.

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