Q: I just got a ticket, what do I do?
A. Call us! We’ll be able to explain how we can help you challenge your ticket in court. Consultations are always free and by talking to us we can answer any questions you may have.
Q: How much do you charge?
A: We charge a flat rate fee of $69* to challenge a Miami-Dade or Broward County civil traffic moving violation. We charge an additional $20 for each non-moving violation that was issued at the same time. This fee does not include any court costs that may be imposed at the time of your hearing.
Q: How do I hire you?
A: There are several ways to hire us:
Upload a copy of your ticket by clicking on this link Hire Us
Email: Send a copy of your ticket along with your phone number to info@ticketlawfirm.com
Text: Text a photo to (305) 990-8458
Fax: Fax your ticket to (305) 661-7244
Please include a phone number on anything you send to us. Once we have reviewed the citation, we will call you back and we can accept credit card payments over the phone.
In Person: You may bring your ticket and payment to our office Monday-Friday between 9 AM and 5 PM. No appointment is needed. We’ll take some brief information and you’ll be on your way.
Upload a copy of your ticket by clicking on this link Hire Us
Email: Send a copy of your ticket along with your phone number to info@ticketlawfirm.com
Text: Text a photo to (305) 990-8458
Fax: Fax your ticket to (305) 661-7244
Please include a phone number on anything you send to us. Once we have reviewed the citation, we will call you back and we can accept credit card payments over the phone.
In Person: You may bring your ticket and payment to our office Monday-Friday between 9 AM and 5 PM. No appointment is needed. We’ll take some brief information and you’ll be on your way.
Q: What if my ticket was not in the Miami-Dade/Broward area?
A: Our office may be able to assist in challenging a citation issued elsewhere in Florida. Our fees may be higher in other counties. If we are unable to assist you in the county where you received your ticket, we may be able to refer you to an attorney in that area.
Q: What if my case is an accident?
A: We charge the same fee for moving violations issued as a result of an accident, excluding fatality cases.
Q: When is my deadline to respond?
A: The county requires a response within 30 days from the date your ticket was issued. Remember that because some months have 31 days, your deadline may be a day earlier than you think.
Q: How do I request a court date?
A: Let us do it for you. If you hire us within 30 days from the date your citation was issued, our office will request a court date on your behalf. Otherwise, you must let the county know, within 30 days, that you want a hearing.
Q: I already requested a court date. Can I still hire you?
A: Sure. If your case is already set for court, we’ll go on that date. When you hire us we’ll file a notice with the court letting them know that we are going to appear for you. The county clerk’s office will let us know when your date is set.
Q: Do I have to appear in court if I hire you?
A: No, our office can appear on your behalf for all non-criminal violations. Of course, if you would like to appear with us, please call to make arrangements.
Q: If I don’t have to go, why did the court send me a notice with the court date on it?
A: The county is required to send you notification of any hearings that pertain to your case. If you have already hired us, one of our attorney’s names should be on the paperwork sent to you by the clerk. Feel free to call and confirm any court dates with us.
Q: What if the officer accused me of going a high rate of speed?
A: If you were alleged to have been going more than 30 miles per hour over the posted speed limit, the case will automatically be set for a court appearance. While the court appearance is considered ‘mandatory’ an attorney from our office can appear on your behalf and you will not personally have to appear. Our fee is $69* for these violations as well.
Q: Do I still have to pay for the ticket if I want to challenge it?
A: No. Requesting a hearing means the county will not be expecting payment from you. The case will then be set for a court date and ruled upon by a Judge or Hearing Officer. If your case is dismissed, no fine and/or court costs will be assessed. If the official believes you committed the infraction, court costs will then be assessed.
Q: How much are my court costs going to be be?
A: Court costs vary based on the type of ticket, the official hearing your case and your prior driving record. Because of the various amounts, it’s often easier for us to discuss this after knowing more specifices of your particular case. Give us a call.
Q: What if I don’t have a copy of my ticket?
A: Call us. We can usually obtain your ticket information from the county public records.
Q: Do you accept credit cards?
A: Yes. Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express. Payment may be made over the phone or in person.
Q: Can you promise my case will be dismissed?
A: Unfortunately not. Each case is reviewed on an individual basis. While many of the cases we handle are dismissed, we can’t promise the outcome of a court hearing. We do, however, offer a money back guarantee of no points or we refund the attorney’s fees on civil moving violations.
*Plus court costs, if imposed.