
What Happens When You Receive a Red Light Camera Ticket?

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Driving through a red light in Florida is accompanied by hefty fines, often necessitating the intervention of a red light camera violation attorney. Navigating the maze of flashing lights and intersection cameras can be daunting, especially if you’re on the receiving end of an unwelcome ticket. The key to keeping these accusations at bay is by understanding how red light camera violations work, primarily to prevent the increments of pesky tickets and fines.

Don’t be easily fooled. Not every bright flash at the red light signifies a stern ticket waving at you. Don’t fret just yet if you experience that blinding flash even without bypassing the red light. The act of simply moving your car’s front wheels past the trigger point can typically set off the red light camera. However, don’t be too quick to fret, as the gathered images undergo thorough scrutiny by a police officer, ultimately determining the violation.

Should you be identified on the wrong side of the rule, the camera facilitates a comprehensive report that captures two pictures and a video spanning 12 seconds. In cases of suspected red light camera violations, your ‘Notice of Violation’ will clearly mark the exact date, time, and intersection where the event unfolded, complete with camera proof.  

Contrary to popular belief, your run-in with a red light camera does not translate into automatic points on your driving license. Upon getting hit with a violation, you can expect your bill (otherwise known as a Notice of Violation) in the mail, granting you a 30 day window to arrange for payment. This is the time to call our office to determine if your violation can be challenged in court. 

If you do not respond within this stipulated period, a Florida Uniform Traffic Citation, will be sent; almost doubling the violation fee. The full weight of red light camera violations is felt when this citation is sent out. Although no points are assessed for these citations, they may be entered onto your driving record. However, challenging this citation in court may lead to the dismissal of these charges with no effect on you or your license.

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The High Price of Speeding in Florida: Uncovering the Unexpected Costs

High Price of Speeding in Florida

Speeding tickets in Florida can be costly and come with unexpected fees that many drivers may not be aware of. The fines, points, and hidden costs can add up quickly and leave drivers struggling financially. It is important to understand the potential costs associated with a speeding ticket so that drivers can make informed decisions if they find themselves in this situation.

The most obvious cost associated with a speeding ticket is the fine. In Florida, the fines for speeding tickets vary depending on how fast over the speed limit the driver was going. For drivers who are going more than 15 mph over the speed limit, the fine can be as high as $500. In addition to the fine, drivers can also be charged with court costs which can range from $20-$100.

In addition to fines and court costs, drivers in Florida also have to deal with points on their driving record. For drivers who receive a speeding ticket, points are assessed to their license. The number of points a driver receives depends on the speed they were going and the type of road they were on. Accumulating too many points can lead to a suspended license and higher insurance rates.

Aside from the fines, court costs, and points, there are also hidden costs associated with speeding tickets in Florida. For example, drivers may incur additional charges if they fail to pay their fines on time or fail to appear in court. They may also face the cost of taking a driver improvement course if they are required to do so. And if the driver’s license is suspended, they may have to pay a reinstatement fee.

The best way to avoid these unexpected costs is to avoid getting a speeding ticket in the first place. Always obey all speed limits and be aware of your surroundings, especially in busy areas. If you do find yourself facing a speeding ticket, it is important to seek out the help of a Miami traffic ticket lawyer. A lawyer can help you fight the ticket and reduce the fines and points, or even get the ticket dismissed.

In conclusion, speeding tickets in Florida can come with unexpected costs that can add up quickly. Drivers should be aware of the fines, court costs, points, and hidden costs associated with a speeding ticket. The best way to avoid these costs is to obey all speed limits and drive safely. If you do find yourself facing a speeding ticket, seek out the help of a Miami traffic ticket lawyer who can help you fight the ticket and reduce the fines and points.

More questions about traffic violations? Contact a Miami traffic attorney at Hochman & Goldin, P.A. today.

Why Florida Drivers Should Understand the “Move Over” Laws

Florida Drivers "Move Over" Laws

According to a National Safety Commission survey, more than 70% of Americans are unsure of the state laws governing when to “Move Over.” Law enforcement personnel have been hurt on numerous occasions as a result of drivers who don’t follow the rules. While the majority of drivers are aware that they must stop for emergency vehicles to pass, there is still a significant amount of driver ignorance when it comes to changing lanes in order to keep a safe distance.

Florida law requires drivers to switch lanes if utility service vehicles, emergency vehicles, or sanitation vehicles are stopped on the side of the road. Drivers must slow down to 20 mph less than the posted speed limit in order to pass these vehicles if they are unable to change lanes. Older drivers might not be as familiar with the law even though it is mentioned on the current Florida driver’s exams because the laws may not have been included in the tests back then.

Drivers’ failure to observe the Move Over Act resulted in more than 115 collisions with over eighty injuries in 2017. Additionally, nearly 17,000 other drivers received citations for the same offense. A driver who violates the Move Over Act may be fined and receive points on their license.

This update is brought to you by Hochman & Goldin, P.A. A Miami traffic attorney can assist you with criminal traffic violations, and our team is ready to answer your questions. Please call (305) 665-1000 to speak with a red light camera violation attorney.

Navigating the Legalities of a Speeding Ticket in Florida: A Comprehensive Guide

When you receive a speeding ticket in Florida, you may feel overwhelmed with the amount of information available on the next steps you should take. It’s important to understand what the legal process looks like when handling a Florida speeding ticket, so you can make informed decisions on how to proceed. This step-by-step guide will help you navigate the process and explain the options you have when you receive a speeding ticket in Florida.

1. Talk to an experienced Miami traffic ticket lawyer. The first step to take when you receive a speeding ticket in Florida is to contact an experienced Miami traffic ticket lawyer. A lawyer can walk you through your options and provide advice on the best course of action for your particular case. They can also answer any questions you may have about your legal rights, the legal process, and the potential consequences of your ticket.

2. Attend Your Court Date. Your next step is to attend your court date. You should always appear in court on the date your ticket indicates. If you fail to appear in court, the judge may issue a warrant for your arrest.

3. Plead Guilty or Not Guilty. At your court date, you will be asked to plead guilty or not guilty. If you choose to plead guilty, you may be given a reduced fine or the judge may allow you to attend traffic school in lieu of a fine. If you choose to plead not guilty, you will be given a trial date to dispute the ticket.

4. Consider Taking Traffic School. Depending on the severity of your ticket, the judge may offer the option to take traffic school in lieu of paying a fine or attending court. Taking traffic school can help reduce the number of points on your license and may help you avoid having your license suspended.

5. Pay the Fine. If you choose to plead guilty or are found guilty at trial, you will be required to pay the fine indicated on your ticket. The amount of the fine will depend on the severity of the ticket and the circumstances surrounding it.

6. Apply for a Payment Plan. Depending on your financial situation, you may be able to apply for a payment plan. This will allow you to pay the fine in installments, rather than all at once.

7. Appeal Your Ticket. If you decide to appeal your ticket, you will need to file a motion in the court. You should consult an experienced Miami Traffic Ticket lawyer before filing a motion to appeal, as the process can be complicated.

By following this step-by-step guide, you can ensure that you properly handle your speeding ticket in Florida. It’s important to take the process seriously, as the consequences of a speeding ticket can be dire. If you have any questions or need assistance, contact an experienced Miami traffic ticket lawyer for help.

More questions about traffic violations? Contact a Miami traffic attorney at Hochman & Goldin, P.A. today.

The Hidden Dangers of Ignoring Traffic Tickets in Florida

Traffic Tickets in Florida

In the midst of a busy life, dealing with items such as traffic tickets can feel like a demanding and tiresome task. Circumstances can tempt us to overlook these crucial responsibilities, be it due to the hassle of the court system or the looming cost of the penalty itself. However, staying passive might cause far more severe repercussions for Florida drivers than what they bargained for. Remember, seeking the advice of a knowledgeable Miami traffic attorney can preemptively steer you away from these issues.

When you leave unpaid traffic tickets on the table, an immediate consequence could be the suspension of your driver’s license. Losing this privilege signifies more than just restriction to drive around leisurely, you may face an increase in insurance premiums and accrue points on your driving record – consequently turning a one-time inconvenience into a prolonged expenditure.

Further demonstrating the seriousness of this offense, courts have the jurisdiction to issue a court order to garnish your wages until the payment of the ticket is completed in full. Losing a significant chunk from each paycheck imposes a substantial financial setback, potentially making it strenuous to meet your monthly obligations.

Most alarming, warrants can be issued for your arrest if you disregard your duty to appear in court or fulfill your ticket payment. This means you risk the distress and tension of arrest, potentially finding yourself navigating the penitentiary system till court appearance or payment arrangement, heightening the gravity of an otherwise manageable traffic violation.

The cautionary tales outlined above underscore the significant legal and financial outcomes that can transpire from neglecting traffic tickets – fallout that typically exceeds the original cost of the ticket by a mile. 

Navigating these new-found circumstances can leave you feeling lost if unprepared. Here, the significance of consulting with a seasoned Miami traffic ticket attorney can’t be overstressed. These professionals are equipped with the know-how to guide you through your legal pad, offering you the understanding of your rights and highlighting optimal solutions. Consulting with the right expert ensures that you avert these undesired legal and monetary consequences.

Ignoring a Florida traffic ticket might appear to be the more manageable option, however, its repercussions act as an ominous fog, clouding your financial stability and legal confidence. The simple payment of a ticket or the consultation with a Miami traffic attorney will act as a beacon, diminishing this fog into a transparent and well-navigated route.

At Hochman & Goldin, P.A., our experienced Miami traffic ticket attorneys have extensive knowledge and experience in defending clients who have been issued traffic tickets. Contact us today to schedule a no-obligation consultation and learn how Hochman & Goldin, P.A. can help you fight your traffic ticket.

5 Myths About Speeding Tickets: Busted!

Myths About Speeding Tickets

Speeding tickets are a common occurrence on the roads, and unfortunately, they come with a lot of misconceptions. From believing that you can get out of a ticket if you know how to talk your way out of it to assuming that you can go to court and get the ticket dismissed, it’s important to be aware of the facts so that you can understand the consequences and handle the situation with the utmost care. To help clear the air on some of the most common misconceptions, here are five myths about speeding tickets debunked.

Myth #1: You Can Talk Your Way Out of a Ticket

Many people believe that if they can talk their way out of a ticket, then they can avoid the consequences. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. No matter what you say to the police officer who pulled you over, you will still have to face the consequences of your actions. The best way to avoid a ticket is to simply follow the speed limit.

Myth #2: You Can Go to Court and Get the Ticket Dismissed

While it is true that you can go to court to dispute a ticket, it isn’t likely that the judge will dismiss your ticket. Unless you can prove that there was a mistake on the officer’s part (which is very difficult to do), the judge will likely uphold the ticket.

Myth #3: You Don’t Need to Hire a Miami Traffic Ticket Lawyer

Hiring a Miami traffic ticket lawyer can be the best way to help you fight a ticket. An experienced lawyer can help you better understand the legal process and make sure that all the paperwork is in order. They can also help you negotiate a lower fine or a lesser sentence.

Myth #4: A Speeding Ticket Won’t Affect Your Insurance

In most cases, a speeding ticket will affect your insurance rates. Depending on the severity of the ticket, you could see an increase in your insurance rate for up to five years.

Myth #5: Speeding Tickets Aren’t That Serious

Speeding tickets are actually quite serious. Depending on the severity of the ticket, you could face fines, points on your license, or even jail time. It’s important to take all speeding tickets seriously and to seek legal advice if needed.

Speeding tickets can be a hassle, but it’s important to be aware of the facts so that you can handle the situation accordingly. Remember, no matter how you try to talk your way out of a ticket, the best way to avoid a ticket is to drive within the speed limit. Additionally, it’s important to be aware of the potential consequences and to consider seeking the help of a Miami traffic ticket lawyer if needed. By taking the time to understand the facts, you can protect yourself from the serious consequences of a speeding ticket.

More questions about traffic violations? Contact a Miami traffic attorney at Hochman & Goldin, P.A. today.

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    Uploading a ticket does not create an agreement of representation by our firm. You will receive confirmation that we have accepted your case and we will contact you for payment arrangements.