There are a variety of ways in which drivers in Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Gardens counties can receive traffic citations, fines, or other penalties pertaining to Toll-By-Plate Violations. Many motorists accidentally pass through a Sunpass lane without owning a transponder, are unable to pay cash, unknowingly allow the credit card linked to their Sunpass account expire, or forget to pay a Toll-by-plate invoice. Hochman and Goldin, P.A. is offering Toll-By-Plate Violations Services, which are in high demand following the widespread implementation of systems such as MDX and Sunpass that charge drivers based on prerequisite transponders.
The consequences can be expensive, with the typical toll citation in Miami-Dade County being $149, in addition to the amount of unpaid toll fare. Furthermore, such violations can be added to a driving record, especially if the driver fails to pay a toll-by-plate invoice. At Hochman and Goldin, P.A we advise our clients to call our firm and speak to a Miami Traffic Lawyer prior to paying such citations. Our reputable legal team may be able to keep tickets off a driving record, as well as potentially reduce the amount of money owed.
In addition to toll violations (including MDX, toll-by-plate, and Sunpass), Hochman & Goldin, P.A handles cases fighting speeding tickets, red light and camera violations, and other civil traffic citations. We also provide expunging and sealing services for criminal records, and offer consultation in criminal traffic charges.
A Miami Traffic Ticket Lawyer can be hired by phone (305-665-1000), mail, fax (305-661-7244), email ( In addition to these services, we offer the most competitive price for civil traffic infraction services- an amazing flat fee of $69. Additionally, we provide expunging and sealing services for criminal records, and offer consultation in criminal traffic charges. Our services are also available in Spanish.