Many people are unaware of or misinformed about their legal rights when dealing with law enforcement. When you see flashing lights behind your vehicle, here are a few tips on how to deal with police officers more effectively.
Be Polite
Allow the officer to begin speaking. The police will usually ask for your driver’s license and registration first. Act non-aggressive and non-defensive. Even if you are noncommittal about inquiries, try to answer the officer’s questions politely.
Legality of Police Searching Your Car
Don’t agree to illegal searches or questioning out of fear or a desire for transparency, if you know you’re not doing anything wrong. If you cooperate to the search, it will be considerably more difficult to contest any evidence found in your vehicle. Furthermore, whether you give permission or not, if the police have reasonable grounds to search your vehicle, he or she will do so.
Don’t Incriminate Yourself
Until you have a lawyer present, you have the right to remain silent. Keep in mind that whatever you say can and will be used against you in court. Do not lie to a police officer, but if you do speak with a police officer, keep your responses brief.
Obtain Legal Counsel
If you have been issued a traffic ticket, contact a Miami traffic ticket lawyer. A lawyer can advise you on what to expect in court and how to present the greatest defense possible if you wish to contest it.
Questions about other traffic violations? Contact a red light camera violation attorney.