Florida residents that are planning on attending holiday parties may want to make sure they take the proper precautions before they start to drink. Last week, the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) launched its Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign, and it will remain in full effect through New Year’s Day.
While the FHP and law enforcement officers are constantly keeping an eye out for drivers that are impaired, the campaign takes things a step further. All FHP personnel will be patrolling the various state roads and interstates and auxiliary troopers have also chosen to volunteer to ensure there is a greater number of troopers on the Florida roads keeping an eye out.
Each year, impaired drivers put fellow drivers, their passengers and even pedestrians at risk, resulting in many severe or even fatal accidents. Per the FHP, over fifteen people were killed in crashes involving alcohol between December 16, 2014, and January 1, 2015. During that same period, alcohol was involved in more than 260 crashes, and 20 percent of them happened on New Year’s Eve.
If you happen to come across an impaired or aggressive driver, pull over and call *FHP or *347 from your mobile phone. Remember to always drive sober, have a designated driver if you drink, and be extremely aware of your surroundings.
This update is brought to you by Miami traffic attorney Hochman & Goldin, P.A. We can assist you with criminal traffic violations and are ready to answer your questions. Please call 305-665-1000 to speak with a Miami expungement attorney.