Proven Legal Tips for Fighting a Speeding Ticket in Miami

Speeding Ticket in Miami

Getting a speeding ticket in Miami might feel unjust and stressful. You’re likely wondering if you can really get out of paying the ticket? The answer is yes, but it’s not a straightforward task. You’re going to need help from an experienced Miami traffic ticket attorney.

So, how can a Miami traffic ticket attorney help dismiss my speeding ticket? Here are some strategies they might use:

Officer’s Interpretation Error

In some cases, the ticket might get thrown out due to incorrect citation of the speed limit on the part of the issuing officer. 

Equipment Malfunction

Law enforcement heavily relies on machines like radar guns, which are not without their faults. If it can be proven that the equipment malfunctioned, your ticket might get dismissed.

Existence of Emergencies

Miami laws allow for certain speed limit exemptions during emergencies or situations that threaten personal safety.

Visibility Factors

Adverse weather, poor lighting, or heavy traffic could affect an officer’s capability to accurately gauge your speed. 

Procedural Errors

Incorrect details on the ticket like wrongly filled out registration, incorrect road name, etc., could serve as a strong defense.

Officer’s Credibility

A high-risk yet potentially rewarding move is questioning the officer’s ability to accurately identify the driver or the car’s owner.

Although each case is different and needs to be approached uniquely, there’s always hope to beat your speeding ticket. An experienced Miami traffic ticket attorney is capable of offering valuable advice and the right representation for your individual case. Don’t let your speeding ticket stress you out, seek proper legal assistance. 

At Hochman & Goldin, P.A., our experienced Miami traffic ticket attorneys have extensive knowledge and experience in defending clients who have been issued speeding tickets. Contact us today to schedule a no-obligation consultation and learn how Hochman & Goldin, P.A. can help you fight your traffic ticket.

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    Uploading a ticket does not create an agreement of representation by our firm. You will receive confirmation that we have accepted your case and we will contact you for payment arrangements.