It’s only been two months into 2020 and law enforcement officers have already written over 300 citations since Florida “upgraded” its texting while driving law into a primary offense. More than 100 drivers have been cited in four of South Florida’s counties in January alone.
The texting while driving law went into effect in July of last year. However, a six-month grace period of sorts was implemented to allow drivers time to acclimate and understand the new law. During this time, officers issued driver warnings versus citations. Before it became a primary offense, a driver had to be stopped for another reason like speeding before they could be issued a citation for texting while driving. Now, however, if an officer spots a driver texting while they are behind the wheel, they can be stopped regardless of whether or not they’re speeding.
Receiving a citation for texting while driving costs about $30 in addition to court fees. Should a driver be caught a second time, the cost increases to $60, the court gees, plus a trio of points on the driver’s license.
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