As we grow with modern technology, systems like Sunpass, the Miami-Dade Expressway Authority (MDX), and Toll-By-Plate are simplifying payments of toll for drivers in Miami. Nevertheless, technical glitches, administrative oversights, and human errors can cause minor toll violations to grow into major issues if ignored. To help manage these issues, a Miami traffic ticket attorney could be the reliable help you need.
To explain the two differentiating systems simply, Sunpass employs electronic transponders for toll collection, letting motorists bypass the physical payment at toll booths. MDX, on the other hand, uses a toll-by-plate system where cameras capture images of vehicle license plates. Even a tiny transponder failure or image error can cause problems that drivers might find hard to understand.
The consequences of traffic fines in Miami-Dade county can be costly, reaching up to as much as $149 on top of the outstanding toll. If you get a violation notice from MDX, Sunpass, or Toll-By-Plate, responding right away and correctly is extremely crucial. It’s good to follow important steps and strict deadlines to prevent the issue from getting worse.
It might be hard to believe, but many traffic violations come from honest mistakes or mishaps in the system itself. In these situations, an experienced Miami traffic ticket attorney can provide vital help. A dedicated team, like the one at Hochman & Goldin, P.A., knows all about these traffic violations and can make these complicated issues easier to understand. They’ll carefully look over your violation notice, check if it’s correct and look for any possible mistakes. Their skilled advice can guide you in fighting against charges if it’s necessary, all while ensuring your rights and interests are well protected.
The Sunpass, MDX, and Toll-By-Plate systems make driving easier for us. Yet, sometimes, they can cause us bigger problems. When this happens, a Miami traffic ticket attorney from Hochman & Goldin, P.A. can really help. Remember, when it comes to traffic tickets, having a good lawyer is your best option. So, the next time you’re worried about a traffic fine, remember that help is just a phone call away.
At Hochman & Goldin, P.A., our experienced Miami traffic ticket attorneys have extensive knowledge and experience in defending clients who have been issued Sunpass, MDX and Toll-by-Plate Violations. Contact us today to schedule a no-obligation consultation and learn how Hochman & Goldin, P.A. can help you fight your traffic ticket.