A number of free phone apps have been released designed to prohibit the use of texting and other messaging programs while driving. Consumer Reports just tested these new apps developed from the desire to lessen the increasing number of automotive accidents caused by phone distractions.
Specifically, the three apps are Sprint’s “Drive First,” “Safely Go” from Verizon, and AT&T’s “DriveMode.” All three blocked the texts as they come in and send back an automatic reply, which can be customized. Additonally, incoming calls can be limited to a short list of contacts by these apps.
With the Verizon app, you turn it on each time you’re about to drive. The others go on automatically, which is an advantage because you don’t have to think about it. AT&T’s blocking app is activated at 25 mph and Sprint’s at 10 mph. Sprint also offers a website where parents can monitor what their teen is doing with their phone while driving.
If you’re an iPhone user, you can go to your settings and select “Do Not Disturb” before you get behind the wheel. Consumer Reports says that option won’t send any automatic responses, but it will silence all text message notification and phone calls so that you won’t be distracted.
At Hochman & Goldin PA, we handle cases fighting civil and criminal traffic infractions, speeding tickets, red light and camera violations, and toll violations (including MDX, toll-by-plate, and Sunpass). We also provide expunging and sealing services for criminal records, and offer consultation in criminal traffic charges.
We have the most competitive price for our civil traffic infraction services in the Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach counties- an amazing $69 flat fee. For this easy price, a qualified Miami Traffic Ticket Lawyer will handle your case efficiently, attend all courtroom appearances for you, and work diligently to get your case dismissed.
Contact a Miami Traffic Lawyer for questions about our services by calling 305-665-1000.