When it comes to anything driving-related, Florida usually doesn’t make the news for the most positive reasons, and today’s topic is no exception. According to the Sun-Sentinel article, Interstate 95 better known simply as I-95 is the deadliest highway in Florida and it allegedly is also among the most ignored by law enforcement.
The newspaper analyzed accident reports and traffic citations for five years, met with many state troopers and traffic analysts, and urged the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to examine the threat posed by I-95.
Per the article, troopers have written nearly forty percent fewer tickets on I-95 despite a more than forty percent rise in crashes. Fewer troops are patrolling the roadway nowadays compared to the numbers two decades ago. Troopers have said they have concerns about stopping people due to the risk posed by speeding drivers.
Interestingly, the busiest segments of I-95 are right here in South Florida, with Broward County accounting for 300,000+ daily, which is well over the number of vehicles I-95 was designed for.
To read more, visit https://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/transportation/fl-ne-state-neglects-i95-safety-20201007-gdycjt6mnbanxjzj6wuboo3svu-htmlstory.html.
This update is brought to you by Miami traffic ticket lawyer Hochman & Goldin, P.A. We can assist you with criminal traffic violations and we are ready to answer your questions and help you fight your ticket. Please call 305-665-1000 to speak about Miami civil traffic tickets.
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