Toll violations have a tendency to sneak up on you. When you violate a toll, you receive a letter in the mail, similar to when you run a red light. Toll offenses are typically thrown aside among other correspondence. Consequently, they are often disregarded.
This mistake might be quite expensive. Toll violations might significantly affect both your driver’s license and your car insurance if they go unreported or unresolved. Your driver’s license could even be suspended if not paid.
If you’re worried about getting a traffic citation because you failed to load money into your Sunpass account, take preventative measures. If you think you might get a traffic ticket, it’s a good idea to get in touch with an attorney at Hochman & Goldin. For $69, our Miami traffic attorneys will represent you in court and handle the matter for you. Our expert legal team may be able to remove such fines off a driver’s record while also reducing the amount owed prior to paying them.In addition to defending clients against toll violations (including MDX, Toll-by-Plate, and SunPass), Hochman & Goldin, P.A. also defends against speeding citations, red light camera infractions, and other civil traffic fines.
Questions about other traffic violations? Contact a red light camera violation attorney.