By now you’re probably aware of the new law that went into effect on Tuesday making it illegal to use your phone while driving through a construction, work, or school zone. The law extends Florida’s texting while driving ban, making it illegal to even hold the phone while you’re in or driving through these zones.
The new laws may require some acclimating to avoid running afoul of the law. For example, if you have school-age children, you may be accustomed to using your phone while waiting in the pick-up line for your child. You may be using your phone to communicate with them or someone else as you wait but unless you’re using a hands-free solution, holding your phone while in the pick-up line is illegal.
For the time being, police officers are giving drivers warnings instead of tickets to raise awareness of the new law and so drivers have time to adjust. However, this will be changing once January 1, 2020, comes around which is when officers will begin writing tickets. These citations will start at $60 for anyone who commits a first time offense and it will also add three points to a driver’s license.
This update is brought to you by the Miami traffic attorney team of Hochman & Goldin, P.A. We can assist you with criminal traffic violations and are ready to answer your questions. Please call 305-665-1000 to speak with a red light camera violation attorney today.
This information is provided for educational or informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice. The information is not provided in the course of an attorney-client relationship and is not intended to substitute for legal advice.