Cycling Laws in Miami – What You Need to Know

One of the most common traffic-related problems we have encountered as both Miami Traffic Lawyers and Miami residents concerns bicyclists. Though still a mostly car-centered city, Miami is trying to make itself friendlier to other modes of transportation, including the two-wheeled kind.

Given the subsequent confusion concerning how car-dominated roads are supposed to accommodate bicyclists, here is a rundown of the relevant local and state laws concerning bike riding. Though all cyclists must obey normal traffic laws, such as stopping at red lights, there are key differences to note.

Cyclists must stay in the bike lane, or as close to the right-hand curb or edge of the road, as possible. They must also travel in the same direction as traffic, though in one-way roads the use of the left-hand side is permitted. The only exceptions to these rules are on roads with larger lanes and bike lanes; when passing another bike or preparing to make a left turn; or when needed to avoid any obstacles.

Contrary to a lot of grumbling from drivers, bicyclists can take up an entire lane under certain conditions – namely in the absence of a bike lane or if the regular lane is too narrow for both a car and bicycle to share it side-by-side. They can also ride on the sidewalk (barring any signs explicitly prohibiting this) though they must signal before passing a pedestrian.

As a motorist, you have to allow three feet of space between your vehicle and the bicyclist when passing. If you can’t leave that much space, you will have to slow down. You will also have to watch out for bicyclists when you are parked, too: always look before you open your doors.

These helpful tips are brought to you by Hochman & Goldin, P.A. We can help you resolve a variety of civil traffic issues, from red light cameras to speeding tickets. We offer affordable, accessible, and convenient services to save you time, money, and peace of mind.

To learn more, contact 305-665-1000 or Feel free to visit our office at 9703 South Dixie Highway Suite #202, Miami, Florida 33156. All our services are made available in Spanish. Also call if you need Miami Expungement Lawyers.

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